Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Writing Ads on Ebay

Tips on how to write ads on Ebay.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What Are You Blogging About Today?

  1. Write reviews of physical products
  2. Review infoproducts
  3. Review software
  4. Review books
  5. Review magazines
  6. Review (and critique) other blogs in your niche
  7. Review websites (that aren’t blogs) in your niche
  8. List things learned from a book
  9. Write out things learned from a magazine
  10. Make a list of your favorite niche-related quotes
  11. Create specific, step-by-step how-to posts (like how to install WordPress)
  12. Create more general how-to posts (like how to make it through college)
  13. Explain the best way to buy things in your niche (like buying new vs. used, things to keep in mind when buying X, etc.)
  14. Share where to buy things in your niche (recommended online stores that have the best prices)
  15. Create a beginner’s guide to something
  16. Rant about something that really rubs you the wrong way
  17. Write a post elucidating the pros and cons of something
  18. Create an infographic (my infographic course should be good to go by the end of February, btw)
  19. Make charts and graphs
  20. Shoot your own videos
  21. Embed other people’s videos from YouTube or Vimeo
  22. Write about case studies that other people have done
  23. Conduct your own research or case study
  24. Link to your favorite blogs or websites
  25. Compile a list of online tools that people in your niche can use
  26. List related and relevant forums
  27. Write a Things You Don’t Know About Me post
  28. Write about how to improve a skill that people want to improve
  29. Write about some appropriate goals to set in your particular niche
  30. Release your own free ebooks
  31. Create a list of other people’s free ebooks
  32. Make a huge list of something (like this one)
  33. Have someone write a guest post for your blog
  34. Explain things you wish you had known or done differently
  35. Make a note to your future self
  36. Let your readers know how to make money doing whatever you’re blogging about
  37. Research some little-known facts relating to something or someone in your niche
  38. Unveil features of software that most people aren’t aware of
  39. Write about the history of _____
  40. Express your opinion about a recent news event or practice
  41. Predict the future of something (a blog, a company, etc.) or someone (a blogger, a celebrity, an authority in your niche, etc.)
  42. Interview leaders and influencers in your niche
  43. Interview Average Joes in your niche
  44. Write about common misconceptions that people outside of your niche community have
  45. Write about common misconceptions that exist within your niche community
  46. Create profiles of companies in your niche
  47. Profile famous people in your niche (do your research and write a short biography)
  48. Email someone a list of questions and post the questions along with the answers
  49. Ask your readers a specific question about something
  50. Ask your readers for general feedback about your blog
  51. Conduct polls
  52. Play the devil’s advocate on a particular issue
  53. Write about your own journey in your particular niche (how you got started, etc.)
  54. Write about where your blog was or what you posted 1, 2, or X number of years ago.
  55. Write about where you’d like your blog to be in the future
  56. Write about where you were (with regards to your niche) 1, 2, or X number of years ago
  57. Write about where you’d like to be (with regards to your niche) in the future
  58. Write about where you see your niche in the future
  59. Share your specific goals and how you plan to achieve them
  60. Pick a problem that you see and postulate how it could be fixed
  61. Do a collaborative post where you ask a few (or several?) other bloggers their take on something
  62. Write about a movie that is related to your niche (maybe including what they got wrong in the movie or what you learned from it)
  63. Use analogies to tie your topic to something seemingly unrelated
  64. Ask your significant other to write for your blog
  65. Write about the challenges of blogging in your particular area of expertise or niche
  66. Share some tips for blogging in your particular area of expertise or niche
  67. Make a list of your favorite blogs
  68. Explain what NOT to do in your niche
  69. Write about great podcasts to listen to that relate to your niche
  70. Run a contest on your blog
  71. Write about how to use Twitter and Facebook, but apply it to people in your niche. If you blog about rock climbing for example, you could write about how you can find climbing partners through Twitter or Facebook.
  72. Write a parody or satire post
  73. Compile a list of the best niche-related jokes
  74. Draw a picture or comic
  75. Write a best-of posts for a certain period of time (like the best social media blogs of the past week or of 2010, etc.)
  76. Break some news
  77. Links to other recent or especially relevant blog posts
  78. Write a poem
  79. Conduct a survey
  80. Write about your favorite books in your niche (and link to them on Amazon so you can get a commission)
  81. Showcase the best comments that you receive
  82. Write a post around a particularly good or controversial comment
  83. Create a post of your favorite images. They could be funny, inspiring, odd, etc.
  84. Create a comprehensive list of the best blog posts or articles around a certain topic
  85. Write about a hypothetical situation and what would happen or how you’d react if that occurred (like if Twitter died or if you broke your leg and couldn’t go mountain biking)
  86. Write out your guest post guidelines
  87. Make a list of great people to follow on Twitter
  88. Compile a list of frequently asked questions
  89. Write about how NOT to do something
  90. Explain how to do something in your niche faster
  91. Talk about your personal experiences as far as they relate to your blog and niche (like how having a baby made you a more responsible whitewater kayaker)
  92. Write a 10 commandments of or 7 deadly sins of or 5 pillars of post (or something else that’s similar)
  93. Write a manifesto
  94. Provide templates of some kind (like sample Excel spreadsheet budgets if you’ve got a personal finance blog or road trip planner if you’ve got a travel blog)
  95. List your best blog posts
  96. List your worst blog posts
  97. Link to interesting patents related to your niche (check out Google Patents for that)
  98. Take someone else’s blog post title and, without reading the post, write your own post. Feel free to change the title once you’re done.
  99. Write an article in response to someone else’s post
  100. Talk about the ideal skillset to have in your niche
  101. Write about what you’d do with $1000 (or some other amount) if you HAD to spend it on something related to your niche.
Several more ideas were suggested by some people in the comments:
102.  Write about how much money you made from doing whatever it is you’re doing in your niche (Thanks James!)
103.  Show how much traffic your blog has been getting and analyze why that’s been the case (Thanks James!)
104.  Talk about a problem you’ve experienced recently and how you overcame it (Thanks Jens!)
105. Deconstruct a video or article and explain why it works or why it doesn’t (Thanks Paul!)
106. Write some fiction! (Thanks Mon!)
107.  Write what your life would be like if you lived in a different time period/country/reality (Thanks Nechama!)
108. Focus on the negative aspects of a particular niche (Thanks Jason!)