
2.  Breakthrough Advertising, Eugene M. Schwartz, 1966.
3.  Secrets of Successful Direct Mail, Dick Benson, 1987.
4.  My Life in Advertising, Claude C. Hopkins, 1927.
5.  Scientific Advertising, Claude C. Hopkins, 1923.  Scientific Advertising PDF, Claude C. Hopkins, 1923. 
12.  25 Business Books.
13.  Best Sellers on Time Management.
14.  Common Sense Sales Scripting: How to Use Sales Scripting to Super Charge Your Selling, Michael Senoff, 2011.
15.  The Sales Script Book: Proven Responses to the Toughest Objections, Gerhard Gschwandtner and Donald J. Moine, 2008.
16.  Don't Wear a Cowboy Hat Unless You're a Cowboy, Bob Bly, 
17. Marketing Plan Handbook, Robert Bly, Entrepreneur Press, 2010.  [Paperback].  The Kindle price is $10 here.  And here Bob Bly pointed me to his site for deeper understanding of what's involved in marketing or in Methodology.  
18.  Bob Bly's books.
19.  Key to Great Inquiry Fulfillment
20.  Bob Bly Articles.
21.  White Paper Marketing Handbook, Bob Bly, 2006.
22.  Story Engineering, Larry Brooks, 2011.
23.  The Ultimate Sales Machine, Chet Holmes, 2008.
24.  Persuading on Paper, Marcia Yudkin, 2002.
25.  Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, Al Ries & Jack Trout, 2000.
26.  Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich, Create Winning Ads, Web Pages, Sales Letters and More, David Garfinkle, 2006.
27.  Top 10 Copywriting Books
28.  Tom Peters books.
29.  Leadership Secrets of the World's Most Successful CEO's, Eric Yverbaum with Bob Bly, 2004.
30.  How to create a professional quote for a client—and what to charge them for the work (just downloaded the very popular How to Price and Land the 7 Top Web Writing Projects guidebook)

What to do when a prospective client calls (just read Wendy Strain’s A Potential Client Called, Now What? in the article archives)

There’s also excellent step-by-step instructions available from Joshua Boswell over in the Quick-Start Business-Building Series. His Finding High-Quality Clients is based on his own experiences creating an annual income of more than $300,000 from scratch. It took him 11 months to break the six-figure mark as a writer … and you, as a Wealthy Web Writer member, get his secrets at your fingertips.

Wealthy Web Writer community Job Board

tech expert Jim Wright’s 3-Minute Guru videos for specific, step-by-step instructions on making WordPress enhancements

official Site Tour, hosted by Heather Robson

Screenwriting tool.


1.  Excel.
2.  PhotoShop.
3.  CopyWriting Secrets.

On Employees
1.  Debate Is Fine: Insubordination Will Not Be Tolerated, Liz Ryan, October 1, 2016.   

On Corporate Culture

1.  How to Thrive in Corporate Culture.  "Being liked is more important than being competent."  True.

1.  Pareto's 80/20 Law.
2.  Sturgeon's Law: 90% of Everything Is Crap.


1.  If you can find something that really frustrates your boss and only takes you an hour or two a week to complete, take this task on.  It puts you further away from the chopping block.  It can't be something that is just tedious.  It has to be something that acutely irritates the boss on a regular basis.  Just listen to the boss's complaints and you'll find plenty of gold in his mine.  

After thinking about this a bit, I am coming to the conclusion that managers make a new hire not to get numbers or achieve goals but to reduce frustration and irritation.  


Different authors use different categories for goal-setting.

Dr. North talks about money, influence, and legacy:

Michael Masterson talks about health, wealth, self-improvement, and social happiness:

James Altucher talks about daily practices in mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual categories:

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