Thursday, June 23, 2016

 Dear Direct Response Letter Subscriber:

I am a big fan of Brian Tracy...

... and in his new book "Just Shut Up and Do It: 7 Steps to Conquer Your Goals" (Sourcebooks, 2016; p. 61), Mr. Tracy writes:

"Never do or don't do anything because you are afraid of what people may think about you. Because the fact is, no one is thinking about you at all."

His point: We are often self-conscious because we think everyone is looking at us or paying attention to what we're doing -- when in fact, almost no one is.

Remember the one-hit wonder Rockwell and his song, "Why does it feel like somebody's always watching me ... and I have no privacy?"

Well, guess what, Rockwell? No one is really watching!

And here's what's even more important: even if in fact some
people ARE paying attention to and noticing us, well -- so what?

Who cares what they think?

You shouldn't.

After all, you don't know them.

Overwhelmingly, the odds are that their opinions or actions have no effect on your life.

We are self-conscious, I believe, because we grossly
over-estimate our own importance to others and the world at

Look at all the e-mails you get from some guru who breathlessly announces, "Woo-hoo! My new book is out!"

(Yes, I know you've gotten some of those e-mails from me as

And your reaction is probably the same as mine: Who cares?

The publication of your book ... the launch of your new business or product ... the fact that your last marketing campaign "crushed it" ... or that you won the blah-blah-blah award ... or are the keynote speaker at the XYZ Conference ...

These things are all important to you. And maybe to a few of your followers.

But to the world at large they amount to nothing. Nada. Zilch.  Zero.

Other than to our immediate families, for most of us -- me
included -- we are just not that important.

The sooner we realize it, the better we can understand that

Mr. Tracy is right:

Whatever we're doing, almost no one is looking.

So there's no need to be self-conscious or hold yourself back.

No need to fear embarrassment or humiliation.

Don't be a legend in your own mind.

If what you do works, you'll benefit from your success.

If it doesn't, the world at large is asleep and not paying
attention ... so no one will even see you stumble and fall.

As Nike advises: Just do it!

You'll be glad you did.


Bob Bly
Copywriter / Consultant
31 Cheyenne Dr.
Montville, NJ 07045
Phone 973-263-0562
Fax 973-263-0613

Monday, June 13, 2016

How To Prepare For A Copywriting AssignmentBy Robert W. Bly

the link is here.

Business-to-business copy persuades readers by giving them useful information about the products being advertised. The more facts you include in your copy, the better.
When you have a file full of facts at your fingertips, writing good copy is easy. You simply select the most relevant facts and describe them in a clear, concise, direct fashion.
But when copywriters don’t bother to dig for facts, they fall back on fancy phrases and puffed-up expressions to fill the empty space on the page. The words sound nice, but they don’t sell because the copy doesn’t inform.

Here’s a four-step procedure I use to get the information I need to write persuasive, fact-filled copy for my clients. This technique should be helpful to copywriters, account executives, and ad managers alike.

Step #1: Get all previously published material on the product.For an existing product, there’s a mountain of content you can send to the copywriter as background information. This material includes:
Did I hear someone say they can’t send me background material because their product is new? Nonsense. The birth of every new product is accompanied by mounds of documents you can give the copywriter. These papers include:
  • Internal memos
  • Letters of technical information
  • Product specifications
  • Engineering drawings
  • Business and marketing plans
  • Reports
  • Proposals
By studying this material, the copywriter should have 80 percent of the information he needs to write the copy. And he can get the other 20 percent by picking up the phone and asking questions. Steps #2-4 outline the questions he should ask about the product, the audience, and the objective of the copy.
Step #2: Ask questions about the product.
  • What are its features and benefits? (Make a complete list, say, of Adobe Photoshop.)
  • Which benefit is the most important?
  • How is the product different from the competition’s? (Which features are exclusive? Which are better than the competition’s?)
  • If the product isn’t different, what attributes can be stressed that haven’t been stressed by the competition?
  • What technologies does the product compete against?
  • What are the applications of the product?
  • What industries can use the product?
  • What problems does the product solve in the marketplace?
  • How is the product positioned in the marketplace?
  • How does the product work?
  • How reliable is the product?
  • How efficient?
  • How economical?
  • Who has bought the product and what do they say about it?
  • What materials, sizes and models is it available in?
  • How quickly does the manufacturer deliver the product?
  • What service and support does the manufacturer offer?
  • Is the product guaranteed?
Step #3: Ask questions about your audience.
  • Who will buy the product? (What markets is it sold to?)
  • What is the customer’s main concern? (Price, delivery, performance, reliability, service maintenance, quality efficiency)
  • What is the character of the buyer?
  • What motivates the buyer?
  • How many different buying influences must the copy appeal to? Two tips on getting to know your audience:
    If you are writing an ad, read issues of the magazine in which the ad will appear.
    If you are writing direct mail, find out what mailing lists will be used and study the list descriptions.
Step #4: Determine the objective of your copy.This objective may be one or more of the following:
  • To generate inquiries
  • To generate sales
  • To answer inquiries
  • To qualify prospects
  • To transmit product information
  • To build brand recognition and preference
  • To build company image
Before you write copy, study the product—its features, benefits, past performance, applications, and markets. Digging for the facts will pay off, because in business-to-business advertising, specifics sell.

Bob Bly
Copywriter, Consultant and Seminar Leader
31 Cheyenne Dr. Montville, NJ 07045
Phone 973-263-0562, Fax 973-263-0613
