Dear Direct Response Letter Subscriber:
Subscriber ME writes, "The big boys of Internet marketing
exaggerate. Super-gurus tell everyone they track everything.
"Yet when it comes to the success rate of their seminar
attendees, I have never seen a percentage or any other type of
Another subscriber, CT, says, "I have given a couple of these
gurus a lot of money for reports on their amazing marketing
He goes on to say he has made almost no money. But incredibly
and honestly, he blames not the gurus but himself for not
following their advice.
ME is right: the big gurus don't track or publish the success
rate of their students because they know it is abysmal. Why is
that? For several reasons.
>> First, as I believe Perry Marshall pointed out in an essay
some time back, the guru authoring the course has aptitudes,
experience, and talents most of his customers lack.
Therefore, the methods in the course will really only work for
the guru and a small group of followers with similar aptitudes
and talents. For the majority of buyers, they won't have the
skills to implement the system and it will fail.
>> Second, like CT, most buyers do not follow the instructions
in the course. A surprising number never even read, listen to,
or watch the program. Many others study it and then ignore or
don't do the actions required.
>> Third, the copy used to sell "get rich online" courses
extremely hard sell. Therefore, it entices people who want to
make money but then discover they in fact don't like having an
online business. And so they don't pursue it and the course
materials sit in a closet for a year until the buyer throws them
out in the trash.
>> Fourth, there are a number of factors that determine whether
we are successful, and while many successful people like to deny
it, luck is one of these factors. Some people follow the guru's
instructions, but things don't work out for them. They could try
again but are usually too discouraged to do so.
>> Fifth, it takes either time or money to succeed at any
business venture. You don't need both, but you do need one, and
you cannot succeed with neither.
Some buyers of guru-published courses are so busy at work they
simply cannot give their spare-time Internet business the
attention it needs. And so they never progress.
Others are so cash-strapped that they can't afford to invest in
the elements needed for online success, such as hiring a web
designer to produce their landing pages or a ghostwriter to
write their first e-book.
CT does not blame the gurus. He blames himself. "It's not the
guru's fault. It's my own."
Education and coaching can give you a leg up on other newbies.
But they cannot guarantee success. The most important factor in
whether you succeed at online marketing or any other home
business is you.
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