Saturday, January 21, 2017

Jobs I'd like to have:

1.  HVAC Technician.  Set dates for completion of these.
2.  CDL Truck Driver.  Find out what schools offer the cheapest licensing program, how much, and how drivers get paid.
3.  Automotive Technician.  
4.  Sales of kitchen home appliance and kitchen renovation. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

There is Ben Settle's Podcast Factory.  I'll definitely be giving this a listen.

This is a must-listen.  Be sure to check out the show notes for some excellent resources.  Tom Woods delivers. 

A site that Ben Settle recommends.  Drudge Report?  I was right.  "The one contrarian site to rule them all." Exact same design it's had since 1997.  Looks like it was designed on the old Netscape Editor.  He uses Sea Monkey.  It flies in the face of what everyone thinks a new site should be.  Leaders say that Drudge does shape the narrative.  Headlining, "China Takes Bite Out of Apple.  Sales Down."  That's headlining!

His podcasting program is $47.  That may be incredible.

Have 4 to 8 shows ready to go.  These are in your vault.  Use one of these as a give-away.  Go here, opt-in, and I will give you a show for free.  They begin receiving emails from you.  

when your show launches on ITunes, you're going to have people already subscribed and have listened to your show.  You want them to rate your show.  

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Excellent interview of Bob Bly by Ed Gandia.

B2B Marketing is mentioned in this interview.  Check out this link.

Cannot believe how incompetent so many of the services are today.
Software can’t do white papers or thoughtful content.  E-lance writers only write information.  Content is advise, analysis, knowledge, strategy, or wisdom.  Software can’t do this.  Bob Bly was David Koch’s advertising manager.  Wow!!!!

Things that can be commoditized will be commoditized.  How can a solid copy writer get to the $300k level or the 500k level?  B2B and B2C copy and get royalties.  Consumer copy.  Flat B copy writer.  Work 60 hours/week.  Work for better paying clients.  Have to be good.  Marketing!!!  Not making that money, you’re not working enough.  Most copy writers do is marketing.  That’s a mistake?!?!?!
Figure out exact amount of marketing so that your lead pipeline has twice the leads.  You market to have a choice.  If you take every client, you have no leverage.  Well, that’s a high price, I’d rather pay this . . . .

Sorry, no, this is my price.  You need to hire someone else. 

Most successful copywriters are regularly turning people away.  Do enough marketing so that you have choices over which client to choose. 

Bob Bly YouTube channel, “Always Be Marketing.”

White papers, articles, newsletters.  Lead generation marketer will make more than a content marketer. Lead generation copywriters usually make more than content marketers. Clients perceive lead generation copywriting as requiring a higher degree of skill.

Business2Business book by Bob Bly. 

B2B handbook by Bob Bly.  You’ll learn about B2B marketing. 

It’s free.